Xylia Buros
Xylia is a writer and marketing strategist with more than 15 years of experience helping architects grow their visibility and impact. Using her extensive background in communications and PR, she works with firms to ensure that their marketing and messaging strategies are effective and compelling. Xylia served as CVG's Director of Marketing & Communications for three years from 2019 to 2023, and returns as a Senior Marketing Specialist. Before starting her own marketing consultancy in 2016, she was Marketing Director at two prominent architecture firms in Portland, Oregon, and Programs Director at the Portland chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Xylia graduated magna cum laude with a BA in English Literature from New York University (NYU) and has written about art, design, and business for numerous publications. Originally from the Midwest, Xylia has lived in NYC, London, Berlin, Chicago, and Portland, and is currently location independent.