A team of business experts on-call for your small to midsized architecture firm.

CVG is a carefully curated team of specialists with backgrounds in design and business.
We understand the nuance of running architecture firms with staff sizes under 20 people because we’ve been there.
Our virtual work environment enables us to assemble a unique mix of talent from across the globe. And even though our home bases span across states and countries, we are a close-knit team working together daily to solve your specific challenges.
Our Team
Our Values.
CVG’s core values define who we are as a company. Internally (among our team) and externally (in interactions with our clients and community), we endeavor to be:
Authentic - We strive to be honest and transparent with everyone. We tell the truth even when it may be counter to our goals. Our goals, systems, and processes are shared openly and equally with all CVG staff.
Flexible - We recognize the intertwined world of a demanding profession and a healthy personal life. We create goals and expectations that are achievable within reasonable timeframes and allow for personal well-being.
Driven - We are driven to improve the businesses and lives of our partners.
Kind - We enjoy the people we work with. We reject mean people. We oppose racism, sexism, and unfair discrimination.
Community-Oriented - We nurture a community of people who share common values.

Community of Practice.
Do you have a question about best practices? Our community of small firm architects likely has a few suggestions.
CVG fosters a growing network of Investment Partner firms with hundreds of employees. We leverage this collective experience in our Community of Practice, where CVG facilitates knowledge-sharing between small architecture firms across the country. We host monthly topical roundtables, conference events, and Slack communications exclusively for our trusted partner firms.
Because our network is selected to collaborate and not compete with each other, the resulting dialogue is open and helpful -- offering tested real-time solutions to industry-specific challenges.